IFJ Demands release of Ethiopian Journalists, News on Brig. General Kemal and Today’s top Stories
Meet the Authors

These two authors share some similarities; they both are major players in the current Ethio political scene and both sport Lenin’s receding hairline complete with the moustache. However, that's about as far as their similarities go. They have different styles, code of ethics and values. One is willing to die for his cause and the other, willing to kill. You will find reviews and excerpts of their upcoming books below.
IFJ Demands the release of Ethiopian Journalists
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today demanded the release of 20 journalists who have been jailed during the last nine months in Ethiopia for political reasons and called on other world leaders to pressure the Ethiopian government for their release as well. (More...)

These two authors share some similarities; they both are major players in the current Ethio political scene and both sport Lenin’s receding hairline complete with the moustache. However, that's about as far as their similarities go. They have different styles, code of ethics and values. One is willing to die for his cause and the other, willing to kill. You will find reviews and excerpts of their upcoming books below.
IFJ Demands the release of Ethiopian Journalists
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) today demanded the release of 20 journalists who have been jailed during the last nine months in Ethiopia for political reasons and called on other world leaders to pressure the Ethiopian government for their release as well. (More...)
Today’s Top Stories
- *Press release on Hailu Shawil's condition From Kinijit International Leadership’s headquarter*
- Brig. General Kemal Gelchi and other senior Ethiopian Army commanders arrive in Eritrea
- Prison Memoirs, introductory note (Dr. Berhanu’s new book)
- Palace Memoirs? Preliminary draft (Meles’s new book in progress)
- EZ on BN’s Book
- ER on MZ’s Book
- Ethiopian Airlines’ profits fall
- Report names world's most expensive cities
- Israel approves deeper offensive
- Poorest Migrants Leaving Lebanon and Defections in the Ethiopian Military